Civic Education Network Trust(CIVENT)

Name of Organisation:

Civic Education Network Trust

Contact Person: –

Physical Address:9 Sandhurst Way, Braeside, Harare

Telephone: +263 772 951 711


Twitter: @

Facebook: –

The Civic Education Network Trust (CIVNET) is an organisation working for an empowered and responsible citizenry in Zimbabwe.


It was born out of a Church and NGO voter education campaign that was instituted in March 1994 as a civil society initiative to address the national problem of voter apathy. The founders saw a lack of participation in voting as a potential source of conflict. After the 1996 election the ensuing evaluation recommended the establishment of a long-term civic education campaign to educate Zimbabweans on their rights and obligations as citizens with specific reference to issues of citizen participation, development and democracy.


Its mission is to empower Zimbabwean citizens and promote peace through participatory civic education and leadership development. The bulk of its work is in rural areas, farming communities and mining sectors.