Gun Run Amok

Gun Run Amok

The purpose of this report is to analyze the factual framework relating to the August 2018 and January
2019 crackdown on civilians by the State in the context of the legal contours of crimes against humanity.
The report discusses and gives an evaluation of whether the two events and the human rights violations
that occurred meet the threshold of crimes against humanity. Based on a review of available
information from primary data and other secondary reports, it is apparent that State agents used
excessive force to quell both demonstrations under discussion. During the 1 August 2018 events, it has
been established that the police and the military unleashed a wave of violence characterized by the use
of excessive force to suppress the demonstrations. Evidence presented confirmed that in some
instances the army and the police used live ammunition targeting unarmed civilians. Given that most of
the targeted civilians were unarmed and fleeing the State agents, the use of live ammunition was clearly
unjustified and disproportionate. The military also used sjamboks, baton sticks and rifle butts to
indiscriminately assault members of the public. Because of the action by State security agents, seven
people died from gunshot wounds whilst twenty-three people sustained gunshot injuries.

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Guns Run Amok

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